2016年7月12日 星期二

What I will remember Tim Duncan most is his defensive prowess. At the height of his power, he manned the middle like a man, covering for guards' mistakes, swapping away everything. TD made the all-defensive first or second team 15 times, over his 19-year career.

Scottie Pippen was also a defensive ass and I love Pip from the Bulls' days. But I couldn't decide if Pip or TD was better defensively. To me both are all-time great defensive players. It saddens me when casual fans just look at the offensive ends and ignore defensive abilities. 

TD is boring and uninteresting, at least to public eyes. He doesn't seek spotlight, recognition, credit, adulation, anything of that nature, but he's as fierce a competitor as there is. 

"I'm just a basketball player. I play the game. I go home."

Adios Timmy.




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