2016年7月5日 星期二

This is not fair

Internet just exploded right in front of our eyes with KD's decision to join Golden State Warriors.

From a basketball standpoint, THIS IS NOT FAIR. Warriors now have 4 of the top 15 players in the league, and as my friend Sam sums it up succinctly, "they have three of the best shooters of all time in an era where spacing and shooting is everything." Will there be a game next season gsw score 180 points? I thought Jeff Teague has the best tweet: "The Splash family lol."Imagine a Curry-Durant pick-and-roll. I can't imagine that, my head hurts.

There surely will be a lot of anger and resentment, not only from OKC fans, but also players around the league. Westbrook will be so pissed that he may average a triple double next season.

Love it or hate it though, this is great for the NBA. Adam Silver must be laugh hysterically.

How many titles for the Warriors? Not one, not two, not three?

This is not fair.

Life never is.




問題並不在於原意、初心是不是好,也不在於某一具體條款對行業內不同公司的影響,而是對於A4治國的擔憂甚或恐懼。 不能自己是個錘子,看到什麼都是釘子。經濟都什麼樣了,還要監管這個規範那個。更要命的是,整頓監管思路太直接太幼稚。哦,把房價弄下來,把教培打掉,然後也不讓玩遊戲,那麼大家都...