2016年6月30日 星期四



信星(1170.HK)在業績公佈前的四個交易日累挫19.5%,什麼原因木宰羊。純以業績看,雖然生意額同比稍降,但受益於毛利率上升1.9個百分點至16.4%,純利升30%至1.2億港元,以股價近日急跌市值降至9.74億計市盈率8.1倍。公司派末期息5.2仙及特別息4.0仙,即使不計中期息3.8仙光是收末期及特別股息也有6.6%息率。公司手頭持有現金6.66億,已等同市值六成八。港交所披露顯示,長毛 David Webb 5月12日場內增持信星五萬股,均價HK$2.08,持5.00%好倉,倒是不妨跟一跟,況且打了三成三折扣。

2016年6月29日 星期三

純噴口水,but I would do a short Nike / long Adidas pair trade。

Nike 這幾年給我的印象是吃老本(和蘋果差不多),Jordan 球鞋復刻完了再復刻,創新方面嚴重不足。以我最熟悉的籃球鞋為例,Jordan Brand 的當家球星 Melo 和 CP3 感覺不大賣得動,Super.Fly 是個不錯的系列但是 Blake Griffin 又沒有足夠的叫座力,XX9 和 XXX 定價太高。Nike 本身的 Lebron KD 和 Kobe 隨著 Kobe 退役剩下 Lebron KD 和 Kyrie,雖然各有各的粉絲,但是沒什麼增長前景。

那麼假設整個市場總量不變的話,合理的估計是在 Nike 此消的情況下,彼長的一定是 Adidas 和 Under Armour,Adi 這幾年憑 Boost 撈得風生水起而 UA 則挖到了 Curry 的金礦。

Nike 6月28日收 USD53.09,Adidas 收 EUR122.65。一個月后再回來看看。
I picked up D Rose 6 from the North Point outlet recently. And for HK$700, it's a steal. 

For sneaker addicts, buying the right basketball shoes is a careful exercise of checks and balances, taking into account of traction, materials, fit, support/stability, heel to toe transition, breathability, etc. etc. But for a 45-year-old with aches and pains in both of my knees, the only thing matters is cushioning or impact protection. 

Here comes D Rose 6, with an unapologetic amount of boost, and it's full length from heel to toe. It's so soft yet doesn't compromise responsiveness. It lets your foot sink in then pushes back to shape and propels your next step.

Yes, it may look a little bulky and may not be everyone's cup of tea aesthetically, but if you're looking to take care of knees, this is the one, especially for HK$700.

Yesterday, I played about 10 games of 3-on-3s and my knees felt fine. That says a lot about BOOST.

2016年6月28日 星期二

Sources: Lizhang Jiang to be NBA's first Chinese minority owner


Heck, I would want to buy a stake in the Timberwolves too if I were a billionaire. Things are finally looking up for Minnesota with cornerstone players Carl-Anthony Towns and Wiggins. After taking Providence point guard Kris Dunn fifth, it may be time to part ways with Rubio, who just couldn't fix his jump shots.

Now it's up to Thibodeau to bring out the best in this young group of players. It was a genuine pain last season watching Sam Mitchell coaching this team. 

2016年6月27日 星期一

Eagle Nice's (2368.HK) 34% decline vs 52-week high of HK$2.82 (Nov. 23) likely have priced in lackluster 2H results. Full-year dividend payout of 17 HK cents yields 9.2% and looks sustainable, hence providing downside protection. Risk is if there will be another warm winter which impossible to forecast. No catalysts for now so probably best just keeping current positions unless there is steep post-results fall. Shares down 4% at HK$1.85 Friday.

2016年6月26日 星期日

no zuo no die

      用 no zuo no die 來形容這次脫歐公投應該妥貼。Brexit vs Bremain,最後结果竟然是Bregret。大批英國民眾不滿公投結果,在下議院請願網站聯署,要求推翻公投結果,並舉行第二次公投。


      對於第一個觀點,英國現在是英國,不是大英帝國,二則想像力無限發揮。不是說不可能,而是中間變數太多而且這樣的 scenario 即使 play out 也是經年累月的事情,哪能現在一下子就 discount 在資產價格上。


Nightwing says wearing these is like wearing Kobe 4 or 5, "but on steroids." Kobe 4 is one of my all-time favourites. If this is Kobe 4 on steroids, I'm all for it. Adidas is killing it with Boost. Nike, you need to step it up. KD 9 is nice, but 1399? NOOOOO


Quote of the day: "The biggest sin is sitting on your ass" -  Rose F. Kennedy 


問題並不在於原意、初心是不是好,也不在於某一具體條款對行業內不同公司的影響,而是對於A4治國的擔憂甚或恐懼。 不能自己是個錘子,看到什麼都是釘子。經濟都什麼樣了,還要監管這個規範那個。更要命的是,整頓監管思路太直接太幼稚。哦,把房價弄下來,把教培打掉,然後也不讓玩遊戲,那麼大家都...