2018年11月29日 星期四




2018年11月21日 星期三

莎莎業績還行 但吸引力一般

中午開市追入莎莎(0178),50,000 @ 3.44,小注試下水溫。

莎莎截止9月底止中期營業額只上升16%至41.47億港元,純利則大升八成五至2.03億元,EPS 6.7港仙,派中期息7港仙(比去年同期3.5港仙增加一倍)。

純利倍升部分原因是期內已終止經營一直處於虧損狀態的台灣地區零售業務,但是即便撇除這一因素,期內來自持續經營業務的溢利仍然較去年同期增長66%至2.04億港元。莎莎是這樣解釋的,“儘管毛利率按年下降至 39.9%,經營槓桿卻因銷售額升幅增長而有所改善,而租金成本及前線員工成本對銷售的佔比均有所下降,帶動本期內的純利率上升 1.8 個百分點。

由於零售旺季集中在莎莎的下半財年,莎莎下半年盈利通常是上半年的2.5-3.5倍,很粗略算的話莎莎盈利其實是有條件回復到高峰期的年賺8-9億港元的,現市值106億港元意味著12-13倍市盈率,股息率如果假設莎莎將盈利全部用來派息的話有8%(上半年DPS > EPS)。

整體感覺好像還行但是最大的不確定因素是valuation expansion。莎莎最風光的時候市場可以給到20-30倍市盈率,但現在看來再恢復到這麼高的估值幾乎是不可能的了,原因是香港作為購物天堂對大陸遊客的吸引力已經大不如前,市場也逐漸形成共識來港的遊客以消費力計其實是一蟹不如一蟹。


2018年11月19日 星期一



We expect China’s cement demand to shrink continuously in 2019/20F, mainly due to the property sector slowdown, particularly in low-tier cities. However, we see resilient cement prices due to major cement producers’ sturdy collaboration and extended off-peak production. We thus expect the sector’s per tonne profitability (GP/tonne) to stay at historical high levels.

Stock pick thesis: Regional exposure and cash flow tell the differences
We see China cement sector transitioning from growth stocks to value stocks and believe that current valuations are yet to factor in the significant improvement in profitability and free cash flow. Our pecking order is as follows:
CR Cement (1313 HK, Buy): CR Cement (CRC) is a leading regional producer with c.70% shipment in Guangdong/Guangxi. We initiate coverage of CRC as our top pick since we expect the company to benefit from the property sector momentum in Guangdong/Guangxi and potential demand upside driven by the infrastructure projects in Guangdong.
Anhui Conch (914 HK/600585 CH, Buy/Buy): We believe that Conch’s Tshape strategy can help maintain its cement/clinker shipment growth to outpace the sector average. Conch’s cost advantage guarantees long-term competitiveness, in our view. We prefer cheaper Conch – A over Conch – H.
CNBM (3323 HK, Reduce): We recommend avoiding CNBM as we see no significant improvement in its high net gearing and unwieldy financial costs.



We significantly lift 2018F/19F earnings for China National Building Material (CNBM) and raise our TP by 23% to HKD5.0 as we factor in the contribution from the acquisition of Sinoma (1893 HK, delisted on 23 April 2018). However, we maintain our Reduce rating on the shares since we do not see significant reduction in net debt and financial costs (Fig. 146 and Fig. 147). Our HKD5.0 TP implies c.21% downside to the current share price. We are one of the few brokers with a Reduce rating on the stock.



Cumbersome debt the key problem, resulting in low profitability 
High net gearing and cumbersome financial costs have long been an issue for CNBM, resulting in lower net margin and ROE despite strong cement profit (Fig. 145). Although the company guides to repay CNY15bn in long-term debt each year in 2018-20F, it will not significantly reduce financial costs and hence improve profitability. A more aggressive repayment scheme is needed, in our view.

2018年11月16日 星期五



除了市況觀察外,近來臉書、財經節目之類興末日博士,不是羅家聰,而係Dr. Ng。據介紹,此仁兄之前職業是牙醫,且為資深債券投資者,唱港樓要跌七成,恒生指數要見四位數。上帝要你滅亡,必先令你瘋狂,這個醫生應該可以調轉來看。





2018年11月14日 星期三

Tencent Relief Rally Likely

Tencent's (0700) 3Q results are probably best described as not worse than feared, rather than consensus beating. While a 29.6% on-year rise in net profit to CNY23.33 billion handily smashes already revised-down forecast, it was boosted by a windfall of CNY8.8 billion from investment gains, which the market will likely continue to view as one-off. Non-GAAP earnings rose a more subdued 15.5% to CNY19.71 billion, while revenue grew at its slowest pace in three years.

Overall, there likely to be small relief rally. That's short-term view. Longer term though, Tencent's business trends are turning positive. Firstly, 3Q mobile gaming revenue rose 11% vs 2Q, likely above low-to-mid single-digit percentage sequential growth anticipated by analysts. Ads also show positive momentum, with total ads revenue up 47% on year to 20% of Tencent’s total revenue. Tencent also for the first time revealed its cloud revenue, which more than doubled in 3Q, amounting to CNY6 billion in the first three quarters.

Bears, especially those with short positions, perhaps should exercise caution, as after all Tencent shares have fallen a whopping 43% from its all-time high of HK$476.6 in January. Short-covering could potentially provide fast and furious share-price rally, in the short run.

Bye Bye, Melo

No one should feel sorry for Melo as he's paid the 7th-most cash of any NBA player ever. So, don't feel sorry for him. Now that we've gotten that out of the way, let's talk about his play. 

Talking heads such as Stephen A saying Melo is being scapegoated obviously either don't watch games closely or don't care about stats (most likely both). Melo is absolutely atrocious on defense. If you ever play competitive basketball, you will understand and appreciate the importance of defense, aka not letting your opponents scoring at will. 

Melo is just really really bad on defense. He tried but he just couldn't. When James Harden is already defensively challenged, having him and Melo sharing the court is just disastrous. And when the other 3 guys have to at least think about covering their mistakes, the whole defensive scheme is compromised. Per ESPN stats, in 294 minutes with Anthony on the floor, the Rockets have been outscored by 63 points. The Rockets have outscored other teams by seven points in the 282 minutes he’s sat on the bench. That tallies up to Houston being 11.1 points per 100 possessions better without Melo on the court (1.9 on offense and a whopping 10.1 on defense.) 

As soon as word came out Anthony is out of H-town, Rockets exploded for 76 first-half points against Indiana, followed up by a convincing victory over Denver, West's 3rd-seated team. I'm by no means saying Melo is responsible for all of Houston's early struggles, and I'm not saying Melo is a lock room cancer either (I simply don't know), what I'm saying is that he's bad at playing basketball, especially on the defensive end, at this stage of his career and in this fast-paced and switching-heavy NBA environment.

Adios, Melo!

2018年11月12日 星期一



儘管營業額按年上升25.5%至14.77億港元,毛利率下降3.7個百分點,由19.6%下跌至15.9%。如撇除去年同期的特殊收益4,710萬港元,上半年淨利下跌8.5%至1.01億港元,淨利率由9.4%下跌至6.8%。 中期息每股14港仙 vs  一年之前的18港仙。


2018年11月11日 星期日

鷹美息佳 靜候業績

如果說熊市有什麼好處,那就是會出現throw the baby out with the bath water的情況,這時候如果你不畏人棄我取,就有機會買到倍升股。

鷹美星期一將會公佈中期業績,只看表面數據,歷史市盈率7倍,股息率9.4%,是的,將近10%。截至3月底的最近四個財政年度,派息穩定增長,從2014財年的4港仙逐年增長至12.5 --> 17 --> 21 --> 30 港仙,2018財年派息比率六成五(EPS 46港仙)。



2018年11月6日 星期二




2018年11月4日 星期日


雖然星期五開市前預料港股會有比較大的升幅,但是升勢之淩厲還是jaw-dropping, 藍籌裡面自己重倉的騰訊(0700)、吉利(0175)以及舜宇(2382)都在一成左右,三四五三個交易日騰訊飆升20.4%,吉利23.1%,舜宇25.3%。




熊市做空看似長空萬里,零舍威水,但是比人夾一夾都會夾死人。其實行行食得鹹魚抵得渴…… 做投資外人看到的是風光,個中辛苦、失意、有時甚至接近絕望卻不足為外人道。

2018年11月2日 星期五

一夜春風 喜大普奔







問題並不在於原意、初心是不是好,也不在於某一具體條款對行業內不同公司的影響,而是對於A4治國的擔憂甚或恐懼。 不能自己是個錘子,看到什麼都是釘子。經濟都什麼樣了,還要監管這個規範那個。更要命的是,整頓監管思路太直接太幼稚。哦,把房價弄下來,把教培打掉,然後也不讓玩遊戲,那麼大家都...