Taking age, skills, work ethic, leadership, health issues, projected durability, ability to play both ends of the floor, all of that into consideration. If I were to start a franchise with one player, it would be Kawhi Leonard.
Not the King, not Curry, not Durant, not James Harden, not AD, not Clay whom Charles Barkley said is the second best player in the league, and certainly not Westbrook whose pettiness is second to none.
Scottie Pippen used to be my favourite player of all time, Kawhi is threatening to take his place now.
2016年10月28日 星期五
2016年10月12日 星期三
10 Burning Questions
1. Who will average more assists, James Harden or Russell Westbrook?
2. Who is a better point guard at this stage of their careers, Jeremy Lin or Derrick Rose?
3. Which team will disappoint more, New York Knicks or Chicago Bulls?
4. Which second-year player will break out, Carl-Anthony Towns, Pozingis, D'Angelo Russell, Devin Booker or Justice Winslow?
5. Which new coaches will have most success, Tom Thibodeau, Mike D'Antoni or Luk Walton?
6. Will Spurs be the Spurs without Tim Duncan?
7. Will Lin replicate some sort of Linsanity in New York?
8. Is Dwight Howard done as an elite NBA player?
9. Who will take the MVP trophy, Westbrook (if he averages a triple double), Kwahi Leonard (best player on the best team) or James Harden (if he leads the league in both points and assists)?
10. Are we too high on Timberwolves or are CAT, Wiggins and Zach LaVine really ready to break out?
2. Who is a better point guard at this stage of their careers, Jeremy Lin or Derrick Rose?
3. Which team will disappoint more, New York Knicks or Chicago Bulls?
4. Which second-year player will break out, Carl-Anthony Towns, Pozingis, D'Angelo Russell, Devin Booker or Justice Winslow?
5. Which new coaches will have most success, Tom Thibodeau, Mike D'Antoni or Luk Walton?
6. Will Spurs be the Spurs without Tim Duncan?
7. Will Lin replicate some sort of Linsanity in New York?
8. Is Dwight Howard done as an elite NBA player?
9. Who will take the MVP trophy, Westbrook (if he averages a triple double), Kwahi Leonard (best player on the best team) or James Harden (if he leads the league in both points and assists)?
10. Are we too high on Timberwolves or are CAT, Wiggins and Zach LaVine really ready to break out?
2016年10月4日 星期二
10 Bold Predictions
Bold implies unconventional, controversial, contrarian, so here's my 10 bold predictions for 2016-17 season.
- Klay (NOT KD, not Steph) will lead Warriors in scoring, just because he "ain't sacrificing shit."
- D. Wade will make most 3 pointers of his career.
- Houston will lead the league in scoring and Harden will lead the league in assists. D'Antoni says Harden will be Rockets' point guard and the Beard will be busy setting up his shooters such as Ryan Anderson and Eric Gordon and his roll man such as Clint Capella.
- BrookLIN Nets will win more than 30 games. Don't tell me race isn't a factor here. Lin is under-apprecited on many facets of his game.
- Lin wins MIP award because of the statistical jump.
- Warriors won't have four all stars. Sorry, Draymond. (Not sure if this one if bold)
- James Harden takes MVP trophy.
- ARE YOU READY? Here comes the boldest prediction of them all. Warriors won't reach NBA finals. That's right, because Klay ain't sacrificing shit, because Draymond's role will be reduced thus becoming less effective and causing chemistry issues, because they don't realize how much they're going to miss Andrew Bogut.
- Spurs and Clippers will battle for Western supremacy. Chris Paul's first trip to conference finals.
- Spurs beat Cavs to win their sixth title.
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