2017年5月21日 星期日

Gobee and Lynk & Co

Rode a Gobee bike for the first time, from Double Cove Place to Villa Athena. 8 minutes. Enjoyed the ride, smooth and trouble free. Nothing to adjust but height of saddle. I've always enjoyed simple things in life. Gobee bike and I are perfect match.

This got me thinking about Geeky Auto's (0175.HK) Lynk & Co 01. Mechanically there's nothing groundbreaking about the compact SUV, but it's revolutionary in the sense that it's designed for car-sharing, same as Gobee for bikes. When you aren't using your vehicle, you can share it with other people, using a virtual locking system.

Granted cars and bikes are different beasts, but the concept is not difficult to grasp. I registered for Gobee yesterday and already used it today.

Disclaimer: Geely is the largest holding in my portfolio.




問題並不在於原意、初心是不是好,也不在於某一具體條款對行業內不同公司的影響,而是對於A4治國的擔憂甚或恐懼。 不能自己是個錘子,看到什麼都是釘子。經濟都什麼樣了,還要監管這個規範那個。更要命的是,整頓監管思路太直接太幼稚。哦,把房價弄下來,把教培打掉,然後也不讓玩遊戲,那麼大家都...