Why the downgrade?
We downgrade the stock as we see uncertainties from the recent chairman
change (see more details: Chairman detained for sexual harassment). While we
do not see an immediate negative impact, we now have some concerns
whether the company can maintain its high sales growth (+91% CAGR in 2016-
18) and the land cost advantage (landbank cost 21% of sales ASP in 2018) in
the longer run under the new Chairman (aged 32). Reputation and
trustworthiness have generally played a key role in securing funding (from
banks) and new landbank (from local governments), in our view, and the current
reputational damage may require some time to repair. The corporate
governance concerns may also keep investors at bay for some time in our view.
但野村同時提到不把評級再降一級的原因,指新目標價只相當於3.6X 20年市盈率,股息率高達9.6%。並提到雅居樂(3383)案例,指當時雅居樂的前瞻市盈率最低跌至3.5X。具體原文如下。
Why not Reduce?
The valuation looks undemanding. Our new target price implies 3.6x ‘20 P/E
and 9.6% dividend yield, to which we see limited downside. We present two
noteworthy points: 1) R&F has the lowest valuation under our coverage and is
trading at 3.1x ’20 P/E. Future Land justifies a higher multiple given lower
leverage (net gearing 74% vs. R&F’s 184%), higher asset turnover and higher
contribution from rental income (15% of profit in ‘20F). 2) We also look at the
Agile case in October 2014 when Chairman Mr. Chen was detained (but daily
operations of the company were not affected); Agile’s forward P/E fell to 3.5x,
the lowest after the news.
We cut TP by 38% with wider NAV discount
Our new TP HKD7.50 is based on a 60% discount to NAV (previous: 50%) to
reflect potential higher funding cost and weaker corporate governance track
record. We also lower our NAV by 8% with a higher cost of equity. We keep
our EPS forecasts unchanged. The stock is trading at 3.5x 2020 P/E (peers’
average is 5.1x). Our top picks are CR Land (1109 HK), CIFI (0884 HK) and
Shimao (0813 HK).
2019年7月5日 星期五
張貼留言 (Atom)
問題並不在於原意、初心是不是好,也不在於某一具體條款對行業內不同公司的影響,而是對於A4治國的擔憂甚或恐懼。 不能自己是個錘子,看到什麼都是釘子。經濟都什麼樣了,還要監管這個規範那個。更要命的是,整頓監管思路太直接太幼稚。哦,把房價弄下來,把教培打掉,然後也不讓玩遊戲,那麼大家都...
問題並不在於原意、初心是不是好,也不在於某一具體條款對行業內不同公司的影響,而是對於A4治國的擔憂甚或恐懼。 不能自己是個錘子,看到什麼都是釘子。經濟都什麼樣了,還要監管這個規範那個。更要命的是,整頓監管思路太直接太幼稚。哦,把房價弄下來,把教培打掉,然後也不讓玩遊戲,那麼大家都...
兒子: 首先我要開宗明義,我和你媽媽是不贊成你現階段去參加遊行集會的。原因之前也和你談過,我覺得形成文字能夠更清晰表達爸爸的觀點。我不指望(因為我知道這是奢望)你能夠完全接受我的觀點,但是起碼希望你能夠耐心看完這封信。 我們看著你長大已將近17年,知道你從小非常執著於對與...
別瞎扯什麼這次的180度轉向是經過深思熟慮。前有新加坡優等生的经验,後有香港劣等生的教訓,如果真是深思熟慮,3月上海之後的這半年多時間,就應該竭盡全力提高老年人接種率,對民眾進行實事求是的科普,加緊建立分層治療制度,而不是自己刮自己大嘴巴,實行令人猝不及防的群體免疫。 不僅僅是防...
不要把簡單事情複杂化,其實只需要問两個問題: 1) 你自己怎麼看比亞迪(1211)的基本面和前景? 2) 即使巴菲特減持,甚至沽清持股,比亞迪的前景會不會受到任何影響? 兩個問題都想通了,怎麼做自然清楚。 比亞迪本身已經是組合第一大持股,今天再增持4000股,均價280.4。既然...
為什麼美歐日韓等等要 gang up on C?很簡單,道理祇有一條,C不僅動了他們的奶酪,還要動他們的根基。中國去年的汽車出口已經超越德國,僅次於日本,這擱十年前是完全不可想像的。 C不講武德,卷就卷到極致。下面這塊skeleton mechanical watch,要是貼上...
看曾鈺成《AM730》專欄方知蔡元培《自由與放縱》一文,網上找來一讀,成文或許一個世紀前,然而歷久彌新,振聾發聵,可惜讀過的人有幾許。 文章開章明義說明自由的重要,“自由,美德也。若思想,若身體,若言論,若居處,若職業,若集會,無不有一自由之程度。若受外界之壓制而不及其度,則盡力...
最近一個多星期買了濰柴動力(2338),均價23.65,目前持有66,000股,應該會進一步加倉。 買入邏輯和比亞迪(1211)基本一致,大邏輯是中國智造和碳中和,小邏輯當然是公司本身的過人之處。 買入時機當然有點晚,因為濰柴年初至今已經升了五成八,但是晚到好過不到,初步建倉先報...